Why being yourself is the most powerful thing you can do

So you’ve heard it all before. The advice, the feedback… read the books and tried everything in your power to unleash.

Still here you are, dreaming about that wonderful life that must be out there somewhere… but somebody moved the signs.

Now you are stuck.

If it makes you feel better, I’ve been there too.

More than once… and somehow managed to crawl out from under the rock and became myself again.

I say again, as we all have been ourselves at one time.

We have been born, great amazing remarkable people, doing exactly what they wanted and somehow right in the middle of growing up somebody or something sucked the life right out of you.

Damn, now you are stuck with some lame excuse of the person you was once before.

I hated that period in my life and the people who (I wanted to believe) were responsible for it. I blamed them for everything…

One day I stopped doing that and started to live in the now in stead of the past. See whatever happens, happens, and sometimes even for a reason. We need to learn something or see it in a different light. Well I guess I need to learn that being me was the best option.

After the incident, I tried to get back by being somebody else, it’s hard work and in the end it’s not making anybody happy. You’ll burn out and find yourself in your bed sobbing.

Would it not be great if I started this section… then one day…

Alas it’s not like that.

I struggled terribly as I believed that being me was not good enough. It wasn’t what was out there…. I have no long curls or a white house.

I felt a failure… okay maybe there was a one day…

Then one day when I was on vacation with my daughter, I quit social media. At first I wanted to stop doing it for the week. I didn’t want to spend my time posting stuff that reached nobody or was anything I loved… so I thought why bother…

After that week, I never went back.

Oh the goodness that created.

I don’t even scroll, not one minute.

Now I can hear you thinking.. what does that have to do with being yourself?

Well everything as it turns out.

The minute I gained control over WHAT and WHO I was watching… >>nobody

I started to feel free again to move around as myself. Do whatever I wanted without thinking if somebody would like it. That is what social media does… you are constantly asking yourself that question: will they like it.

If you are posting and nobody cares, you feel un-loved so maybe you have to adapt…. and the cycle continues.

So you damned if you do and damned if you don’t kinda thing.

Now getting back to why it matters?

As a creative your best work is created when you are free to do whatever you want, right?

When you feel free, confident and loved… you are the most powerful thing in the whole wide world. You don’t care what other people say when you are there.

But when you are not there, you feel stuck, insecure and fear drips down your neck in large drops of smelly sweat.

I was going to say, all you have to do is step into that personal freedom. But it’s lame advice, it won’t work, not like that.

But you do need to find what you love and start doing it…

Choose you!

I give regular courses about getting into your best remarkable you and use that to create your business on… that is my specialty and what I love best…

Why THAT is what will make you money, create your best work and live that life you desire… corny? You bet.

I can’t believe I just wrote you bet… even more cornier.

If you want to know more, I suggest you sign up for my newsletter and find out what I can do for you.

That is when you want to become the most powerful creative on the planet and make a living with your work, by choosing yourself and nothing else!

So yeah that’s it you have to choose you!

Once you do, you’ll find it gives all the freedom you desire, the confidence, the motivation… the whole shebang.

I see so many creatives struggle to make it work, doing thing they hate… I was once that person too.

All I can say that I was depressed burned out and creating my worst work.

Now I’m loving everything I make, I may sound like an idiot but I don’t care… that is what I want for you because this is where the magic happens.

Okay used the word magic and idiot in one sentence.

Maybe I am a magic idiot… but I promise you, you can be too.

Not the idiot part, I’m saving that for me.


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