What happens when I procrastinate and why that’s okay?

Would it not be cool if I could say that I had been procrastinating this blog post for weeks… alas this is not the case.

I wrote it in a writing spree and could not stop….

Still the subject is important so I need to write about it.

General meaning: Finding other things to do, anything to not do the work

Groceries, laundry, helping other people get their shit done, making diner, cleaning the house.

I can’t believe now that I am writing this, that I am doing all of the above at one point or another. I’d rather clean the house than work on my business or creative work sometimes….

First of all what does the dictionary say about procrastination.

Brittanica has this to say: to be slow or late about doing something that should be done : to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.

Okay hold on…. that is not right. At least not ALL THE TIME

Creatives have something else they need and will only get when they procrastinate.

they need time

they need to think

they need rest


Don’t get me wrong, there have been times when I avoided my work… for the simple reason I had no idea what to do next.

Especially when I was setting up my business… if you are getting started things get chaotic and messy.

I was constantly thinking what next?

And all I wanted to do is create my work, as this is the fun part..

But that is backwards thinking. First you create the foundation, you build it strong and safe so it can hold whatever you’ll put on top of it.

When you don’t know how… you need time to think.

Creativity as we all know by now, since there has not been a topic that has been written about so plentiful, is best done when in a resting state.

That means you are not doing anything important. Like the dishes, the laundry… hey… that is where all the tasks come in… they are easily done routinely and that will give you time to think.

As we all know walking is good, taking a shower, cycling around the block…anything that will take your mind of..

See that brain of ours needs to make new connections, and it can only do that when we are giving it some time off.

Procrastination can be your best friend, when you know how to use it.


Why being yourself is the most powerful thing you can do