Why you don’t need to spend more than 3 hours on your business

Only 3 hours, I can hear you wiggle in your chair in disbelief. Yes, 3 hours and I will tell you why I think this is enough.

But first we need to go back to where this idea of being really busy came from…

Most adult I grew up with seemed busy all day, so I figured that if I wanted to succeed in life I had to be busy too.

Time equals money, right… so the more time you spend on your “being busy” the more money you’d earn.

Later in life, when I learned more… it took some time… I discovered that people loved to say they were busy as if that was some kind of power word.

Busy busy busy.

Well… I think being busy sucks, busy is nothing if you’re doing the wrong thing.

It’s a claim to fame when you have nothing to show for. “but hey I’m busy, that must mean something”

So NO busy is bullshit.

Big time…

Problem is we all grew up surrounded with people who are busy and love to share how busy they are.

Again they think busy equal success…

But now we think that we need to be busy too….. and that is a disturbing feeling. Now we have to find things to do. But what do we need to do?

Where to start being busy? Most of the time, if you are like me when I first started out, you get busy with things that are not important for the simple fact that somebody said they were important and you simply have no idea.

Better to do something, then doing nothing… feels good… being busy.

There is ONE major downside, being busy with the wrong things is worth nothing. You’re not making progress but just using up energy.

Believe me I tried this and it feels bad. Even worse when you understand that everything you have been doing was in vain.

Great creative-preneurs spend around 3 hours a week, (yes that is not per day) on their business. Doing the right things and knowing how they should be done is the key to it all.

For me this includes, writing this blog, maybe do some interviews for the podcast that I’m starting, and writing my newsletters.

The rest of the time I get to spend playing, creating and making new ideas happen.

Don’t be busy, be living!


Why being yourself is the most powerful thing you can do


I’m not lazy. Why did I take 3 weeks off?