I’m not lazy. Why did I take 3 weeks off?

You may be wondering why I took a break of a couple of weeks… 3 at least to write again after my first post. For those thinking it is about fear… nope. For those thinking it is about doing it wrong…. wrong again.

The answer might surprise you as this is not how we’re supposed to do things. We are supposed to have a morning routine, take a cold shower, no email for the first hour… or any electronic devise so you can fully focus on your oh so important work.

I sometimes wonder what you life looks like if you would do all of that. It must be freaking busy… doing all the “right” things.

This may come as a surprise to you but I am not that kind of person. I like to do things my way. I love to make my own rules and I love to do them when I want to do them. Not have an internet guru tell me what to do.

-Insert Bad word here- these days we are surrounded by haste, fast action and most of all being busy all the time. You get awards for being busy.

If you are not busy you must be a loser. If you are not bust you must not be wanting everything out of life…. the IG is full of those. (I’m a recovering IG-er so I can say that) Throwing stuff aka content into the world, hoping some of it will stick.

There is an urge to create entertaining content, dances (who the hell invented this- aren’t we supposed to be evolved) small sound bites (are you serious?) showing your daily routines (well those that they invented, so you can join the crowd) or many of the other rather useless stuff we hope people will like us for. Don’t get me wrong… I tried that too.

I was willing to force a weird and stressful routine upon myself to reach people who would follow me and hopefully subscribe to my email list.

Get people’s attention.

This constant content creation drive is driving us crazy and not just for those creating it. I think I am not the only one here… but I might be wrong. (please don’t tell me I am wrong?)

Also those getting all those posts, those people on the receiving end.

Don’t we have enough information yet?

Don’t we have enough to worry about yet?

Don’t we have enough friends yet?

Don’t we have….

We know this much information is disturbing our lives. There has been plenty of research don on that subject, so I‘m not going to bore you with this. The simple conclusion is this: It’s bad for you, too much information coming in.

Why? Are you thinking why? If you receive that much information on a daily base it is disturbing our mind. You are only archiving words, dances, stuff other people created… and you wont be able to think for yourself.

Not being able to think for yourself is my BIGGEST fear…

I am hell bent of thinking for myself. In fact this is the one thing I love about myself… (and my feet… they are so damn cute I love me feet too)

Not being able to think for yourself is bad for us as all the thinking is done for us… again this works on both end of the spectrum.

This is not even the reason WHY I took a break before I even started. As I only wrote the one piece to begin with.

The real (building up some momentum here) reason is that the sheer amount of content is killing our ability to say something of value… (I guess I already made that one clear.) And I want to be remarkable.

REMARKABLE.. yes that’s it.

Most content, posts, dances, tik-toks (oh, hell) is put out there to grab your attention and it doesn’t. Most of the content we swipe though, it’s stuffing, it’s fluff, it’s loose ends, it’s nothing. Boring and most of it is LOUD.

Can you still hear me?

Many think that the louder you get the better.

Many believe that the more you put out there, the more attention you will get.

They are wrong.

And missing the point.

  1. it’s not about getting attention is it?

  2. it’s not about getting followers, is it?

Sure you can get attention, the most obnoxious child in the classroom always gets the most attention… but it’s the silent on that will stop us in out tracks when she says something profound! When she speaks the world has to listen simply because she has something to say.

That is the reason why I took a break before I started. I wanted to add value and have something to say.

I wanted to think about what I was doing.

I wanted to know that what I was writing would be remarkable.

So I had to think. I had to think about what I do, what I would share, what my message really is… what do I want to say… when I am done thinking.

Well I’m done thinking.

Here we go!


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