Are your ready to unlock your biggest creative potential?

Rebel Club just changed it’s name and image

It’s time to become 100% creative again & make your creative dreams happen — and shed everything that’s holding you back.

You are an (aspiring) artist and you are seeking a path to restoring your creative confidence.

Let’s be honest, creativity is hard when you are blocked and struggling. It was easy years ago, but now it’s vanished. Gone and you want it back.

Because right now you are facing:

  • Fear of the unknown.

  • Feeling unworthy and selfish.

  • Worry about what others will think, especially loved ones.

  • Thoughts like: am I that talented at all? are racing in your mind

  • Art Trauma (All those people who told you were not an artist)

    They are creating chaos, limiting beliefs and holding you stuck.

You have already discovered…

You will never achieve your creative dreams or make your best art until you find the right path.

You want to explore your art and creativity. Express who you are without holding back and tame that voice in your head that keeps giving you excuses, procrastination, fear, all caused by this overly active inner voice.

But most of all you want your creative life back!

The good news is there is a way!

You are not the only one. You and the rest of the world deal with the same fear, excuses, resistance and limiting beliefs that undermine our creativity, our sanity and our will to create.


You can’t cheat your way of of this.

You can’t just work through the fear.

You can’t ignore it so it will go away.

Believe me I’ve tried. You have to take action!

Hi, I’m Maurille

I’ve been in the creative industry for a long time –20+ years. I’ve created dozens of incredibly successful products and had 3 creative businesses that sold globally.  I was rocking it.

Until I wasn’t. I got blocked. Fear and limiting beliefs took over. I froze as if lightning struck me. Limiting beliefs got the better of me, and it took me years to unlock my true potential and sing my true song. During that time, I wrote 2 books, designed my signature Path Method and started illustrating a children’s book, picked up my painting and wrote another book. It will be launched later this year.

My daily meditation and creative practice is what gave me back my power…It guided me to what my true authentic self is today. 

Unlocking my true creative potential, and I want this for you too. You know, that moment when fear is gone, there are no more doubts; there is just clarity and moving forward. This is your starting point to a new creative life filled with possibilities.

It’s freedom, trust and joy all rolled into one.

That is why I’m doing this… if it works for me, it’ll work for you, too.

Heal your fear, stress & limiting beliefs

And reignite your creativity, reconnect with that spark and be yourself again. Creating is life and joy.

I was were you are now. From my struggles and fear I created my signature method: the Path. And my other courses.

If you desire to jump back into your creativity, discover who you are, start expressing yourself in your art and to do all that without stress, fear or feeling unworthy… this is your place.

Start expressing yourself

Here you will find ongoing support, free resources to help you win the inner battle, set yourself free from limiting thoughts and finally create what you set out to create. I believe in your creative power!

It all starts with YOU!

Download the Future Self Visualization, as it is created for artists, writers and creative-preneurs who feel they have much more to give but they are stuck. This short audio will show you all that is possible and help you get started!