Your Free visualization gift to unlock your authentic creative self.

Sign up for the free guided visualization

Sign up and listen to the guided visualization

- Your life will never be the same again-

If you are an (aspiring) artist, you already know how it feels. Resistance, fear and limiting beliefs are your daily companions.

There might be a rumble going on inside you that is keeping you from creating what you came to create. It feeds you resistance, fear and excuses not to do the WORK.

You can break the cycle and you can stop being in your own way.

Even if you have never thought about it or have named it… you know you have much more to give.

“There was something that made me click the button and I listened to the Deep Dive as Maurille calls it. Well indeed a deep dive. I found myself re-connecting with the me I thought I had lost. Loved it. Highly recommend” Penelope

The good news is that you are not alone …

Their is nothing wrong with you. Everybody faces their own limiting beliefs, their own excuses. You are not ‘weird’ or ‘broken’.

There is no magic trick, but there is a way to move through your blocks, fears and resistance by changing the inner story.

Armed with the right tools, you can gain the self-motivation, self-discipline, and self-belief necessary to become a focused, courageous, strong and confident artist.

I created Rebel Club to help artists unlock their authentic self, get out of their own way and let go of limiting beliefs that do nothing for you but feed resistance—aka The Path. 💀🌺 Because staying blocked will not get you to live the life of your creative dreams”

—Maurille de Smalen, author of ‘Make Things Happen’ (end 2024) and founder of the Path, the online membership for blocked artists who unlock their authentic mastery, who want to make things happen and how to overcome resistance.

You are in luck!

Begin today

Start with this 12 minute visualization. Okay, before you think… this is sooo not me… I get you. But this is not a whoo-whoo thing, no chanting, candles, burning sage or chiming gongs. It’s science based and created to re-program the creative mind.

It’s completely FREE and as a BONUS you will get FREE access to, a part, of the Path Membership.

This 12 minute visualization will help you see what you are capable off and will give you a peek into the future.

“I’m not the whoo-whoo type. Still I wanted to know more. I thought 12 minutes couldn’t to any harm. I listened and never looked back. I didn’t know this was possible. Lost for words” Kenny

“I love the regained freedom I found… I stress 80% less, and feel that finally things are moving for me” Anita T.