Why you need to build your online creative business.

Last week I had a week off. I took 7 days off from my business and when I was scared at first… to leave everything behind like that…. I shouldn’t have been afraid as I got everything set up to do the work for me. The website was ready to welcome visitors. The emails were written and ready to be sent. The ‘sales team’ was there to promote my work. Everything was on autopilot.

But I didn’t start out that way… It took some time….

When you start your online business it's easy to get overwhelmed fast. There is so much out there. And if you are anything like me it’s likely you get caught up in the shiny objects.

Over the past years I have been working hard to learn, to understand, to overcome fear…. so I could actually make things happen!

So, while I was traveling and enjoying the sites in Scotland, my business was still working. While I was seeing the endless beauty and having the time of my life, with my daughter, my online business was doing the work for me.

You see many creatives and artists believe having a business means that you get to work less on your creative work.

That an online business means you can never again stop working.

That an online business means you have to be at it 24/7 to make it work for you.

The opposite is true.

When you start your online business it will take some time to set up… yes it will… but after that you just follow simple steps and start automating your business. 

Okay, I hear ya… automating… that sounds like a lot of technical knowledge!!!

Nope, not at all.

The fun thing is when you start your online business you make it as small or as big as you like.

And if you can spare just 3 hours a week…. Yup that’s it.

THREE hours a week… you can have that thriving business that you want.

The best part… no more selling on etsy, or any other selling platform that will take your money and probably also steal your customers.

When you build your own creative business you get to keep ALL the profits.

And you will grow your business, not the platform or even …. Other people’s business….

See when you start out it’s easy to start selling on etsy… I was there when they started and at that time it worked fine… they only had 1000 people selling on the platform… but now…

I would NEVER go there and sell my work.

WHY? Because you are sending your customers to a market place where there are so many creatives selling their work… you are bound to lose your customers and lose the sale.

The online business I run, runs itself…. Because I build it that way.

And no I am not a tech hero… at all…

But what it has done for me and for the clients I have helped…. Freedom..yes that is it.

Freedom to be able to create their work and KNOW they will sell it even if they are on vacation… or working on something new… or sleeping… or doing anything else.

I believe in building an online business because I’m doing it myself. I have built 3 creative businesses… and I know it takes time and effort and YES… 

But building my online business was the easiest thing I have ever done… and it made my life easier… so I could spend my time doing what I love best… CREATING!

If you are a creative, and want to start building a business online… to make your life easier, get more freedom to create your work and know that you will sell your work even before it is done… you need to keep reading my emails.

Right now I am building a new course that you will love IF you want the above.

“Maurille is amazing. I have to say it. All I want to do now is start my business so I can finally have that freedom I was looking for. Right now I am doing everything at once and I am burned out. This has been a life saver, so grateful. Now I can focus on my creative work!”

Fiona D. Artist

This is from an artist I helped set up her business from scratch. It took 3 sessions and then she was done… Now all she needs to do is give her business 3 hours a week attention and everything is automated. YES everything> that means you have the freedom to do whatever you want the rest of the week.

Hmmmm… I know, I know…

 if you are thinking……..I don’t know if this will work for me?

As I’m already pretty swamped as it is. Well that is the whole point. When you are a creative and trying to build a business, you are running two jobs aren’t you. It’s time to stop that. 

It’s time to take back the hours you spend spinning your wheels, running the rat race and trying out all the things. 

Let’s make it easy!

And yes this will work for any creative business…

Love to show you more so you can start your creative business.


3 reasons WHY to need to have your OWN website


How to become a creative rebel and have the ride of your life!