How to become a creative rebel and have the ride of your life!

Nothing ever could have prepared me for this amazing ride…. As I stepped into the red painted cart with the number 7 on the side, I knew I was going to be scared out of my mind, but deep down I knew: I wanted to experience the ride. So when the ride started with a slight hiccup, I was fine. The people in front of me screamed… already… why? 

Then we dropped down. I screamed, I smiled, and I loved it…. 

……….Eyes close… last turn and drop…..

I made it!

…And you get that unbelievable sign at the end when you thank the Lord for having survived this and in the meantime you loved the energy it gave you. 

Yes, fear at its best… Can I say that?


When you start your creative business, it’s the same feeling.

You are scared shitless, no really it's scary. I know, I have been there several times…

But when you get into it it is fun… you start to relax and you are able to smile, enjoy the business side of it… and yes you will even love the selling part!

And then there will come a time when you have to grow, make it bigger, bolder, better and you get scared again. (the fear that is best friends with the inner critic, you know the one!)


It’s the drop again in the roller coaster. And you will get scared>>> again.

Most people want to get off here. 

But I know you are not most people!

You are here… wanting to give more, to do more, to be more, to create more and to share more.


I almost got off the ride myself, a long time ago… only to realize: if I drop off here I will never be able to have that life I desired.


I knew that if I left it all behind and went for the life people tell me to live… the ‘quiet one’, the ‘not being true to myself’ life.

I’ll never have that thriving creative business.


I kinda like being a creative-preneur.

I kinda like making money with my ideas.

In fact I kinda like being my own boss and helping out others to do the same thing.

I love the freedom that comes with it.

I love making things happen big and small.

So I stayed on the ride…scared but anxious to dive into the adventure.

I built my creative business from nothing to selling worldwide! Worldwide! 

(*Side note: That is something to be proud of….I never shared that I was proud because: what would people think of me…. Ahhhh)

I learned that : When you really want something you get to choose!

Yes or No!


Will you go for it and stick with it no matter what?… 

Pssst…. I can tell you it really is not as scary as you think.


Or will you leave the scene… always pondering what might have happened if you’d just stuck with it.


Everything in life will follow the choice you make.

Everything will fall into place after you make a choice!



But you gotta make the choice.

I just wanted to share this with you today.

Because it’s important.

You are important

Your work is important.

You get to choose.

Say Yes… you’ll not regret it.

Remember you want this deep down… and yes you can do this!

Fear will always fade away and you are left with happiness….

I stayed on the ride and I know it's better being on the ride… than being the one watching other people doing what they love and feeling regret. You don’t want that.

For now all I want to say, make things happen.

Give it your all.

Be that creative rebel that you are deep down inside…

The fear that you feel is not yours. The fear is the projected fear of being different, standing out, making money with creativity...this is not your fear.

Once you step into your true power the fear will go away.

It will take some time. But I know you got this!

If I can do this, so can you.....


Why you need to build your online creative business.


What I learned from my festival weekend.