Why starting a creative business is good for your health.

Sounds like a simple answer right. Okay... let's state the obvious.

The number one reason why starting your own creative business is good for you? Of course you start to make money with your work and this will help you pay the bills. It may even have you quit your 9-5....

But what if this money thing isn't your main thang...

What if you don't have the money dream? What if you are rollin' in it already? Why should you start your own business?

How about this one: Making people happy.

You want to make people happy with your work. You create amazing things and all you want is that other people can enjoy it too. Maybe they will smile every time they see your work. Maybe your creation will help them get better, heal from a broken heart or losing a loved one.

Have you ever thought about this?

I say this all the time but creativity is what makes the world go round. It's important and you sharing your work is evident. It will help so many people....

But did you ever realize this? Did you know there are people out there waiting for your work? They might be sitting in a grey or beige world and they need your work to brighten up their lives. They need to see your work to feel better, to feel understood and to live a better life.

For me this is also the reason I am doing this. Scary as hell? Yes it is. I am not going to pretend it's not scary. But only up to a point. Once you get past that... It's really quite simple.

So not the most important thing.... What will it do for you in the end? Now that we have stated two main reasons that are money for you and happiness for others.

It will help you make an impact on the world, now how would that feel?

Empowering comes to mind and feeling good about yourself (or maybe that is the same thing). Feeling confident about your creativity... ahhh... May seem like a small, tiny thingy but I can assure you it's not.

I probably have to say this again> Feeling confident about your creativity.

It's the stamp of approval, the knowledge that what you create is appreciated. The proof that what you create is Good... Great even.

That is the impact on your life.... and let me go a little further for you.

How do you think your life would change if this were true for you?

What would YOUR life look like?

Would you be happier, more confident, have more fun creating since you know people love it and they will buy from you?

Would you enjoy the days better, would your family notice the difference?

Would you be able to give more and be a better person?

YES to all.. and no I am not making this up. I have lived it myself. Once I started creating for others and not just for me... everything changed.

It's freedom. Total freedom to be me. Unapologetically me. No rules. No restrictions. Just me... it's something I have been looking for for a long time .... and if you are looking for that too... Hello and welcome. This is it!

So all I can say is MAKE THINGS HAPPEN...

Right now I am totally dedicated to helping other creatives build their own business because I know what it will do for you, your life and your family..... nothing but GOOD!

I have some amazing resources that will help you get started.


It ain’t pretty


The mistakes I made when I started out, and how to avoid it!