Free Future Self visualization
It’s time to start be 100% creative & create your best work yet — and shed everything that’s holding you back.
Sign up for my free guided visualization
Dive into your Future Self
This 20 minute audio will guide you to meet your Future Self.
The Future Self Visualization will help you see what you have inside you. The wild, free, authentic self.
You will get answers, probably the ones you need to hear and it will help you move into your creativity.
The fist time I listened to a visualization I was mesmerized. It was like magic. I had no idea that all that I needed to know was already inside me. That changed everything for me.
Very low on whoo-whoo and created for artists!
Listen to your free visualization now.
“Without Maurille I would still be at a loss. I was moving towards a boring life, not being who I was, not creating the work I loved. I was exhausted. Listen to her, listen to the Future Self… it’s a game changer”
Sylvia Artist
“Honestly, I loved the entire guided experience. The mix of lecture/sharing from Maurille & creative time for attendees. I'm impressed that this was done in roughly a hour.”
student - aspiring artist
“Maurille is lovely and her teachings feel like a warm bath”
Hubart Designer
“Maurille's warm and open hearted attitude is so uplifting! I feel like I just want to cry on her shoulder and hear her tell me everything will be okay and I CAN pursue my creative dreams! (That's kind of what her workshop felt like). I deeply appreciated her”
student - aspiring artist
“There is something special in ourselves that we have learned to forget and this simple visualization is connecting the dots again. So grateful”
Conchita Art Therapist
“Thank you, Maurille, for sharing this incredible gift reconnecting with our Future Self. I feel encouraged and re-energized. And to think that I doubted downloading the visualization in the first place. What was I thinking”
student - aspiring artist
I’m Maurille
This is where I am supposed to write a compelling story about me so you can fall head over heels in love with me…
To be honest I’m not famous people material. I’m a total introvert. I’m a mom of two amazing daughters. Best friend to my husband. If you tell me we’ll leave for a trip in 10 minutes.. I’m game. I say ‘yes’ to most adventures that offer no luxury what so ever. I intend to do things my way, this takes longer but it’s better in the end. (I know, I know).
I had several creative businesses—which include two books, 3 patents, a children’s accessories brand that was super fun, starting a fashion agency over the weekend one day (both were an international success)
Then one day I got stuck. And fear got the better of me. I resisted my creative dreams and got blocked in a massive way. I was hurting. In order to heal myself and unlock my true potential I knew I had to back to being unapologetically myself. But how?
That’s when I started a to investigate meditation. Before I thought it was all about thinking about nothing. Really frustrating. But once I understood… It changed everything. I now have a daily meditation and creative routine with highly effective tools that support me, boost my creativity and heal my blocks. no more stress, fear or limiting beliefs.
If you are here feeling blocked and stressed, I hope you will try out my Future Self Visualization and see what is possible.
And yes, this will be the most scary thing you have done in years, but it’s either this or sticking with what you have right now.